[Рец. на: / Review of:] A. Behnke, B. Wagner-Nagy (eds.). Clause linkage in the languages of the Ob-Yenisei area: Asyndetic constructions. Leiden; Boston: Brill, 2024. xvi + 455 ppстатьяРецензия
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Аннотация:Clause linkage is a domain of syntax that does not often receive much attention in reference grammars. It often happens that in a short 200-pages grammar more than half of the book is dedicated to morphology and grammatical semantics and less than 30 pages to syntax, where subordination is represented by singular examples. In light of that, the volume on clause linkage in the languages of the Ob-Yenisei area is highly welcome, since it provides a large amount of new interesting data, a great deal of which has been previously ignored by the typological and theoretical literature.