Местоположение издательства:Moskva, Russia (Federation)
Первая страница:41
Последняя страница:5
Аннотация:The antioxidative system (AOS) ceruloplasmin-transferrin (Cp-Tr) was studied by means of electron paramagnetic resonance in 14 rabbits with experimental atherosclerosis and in 33 patients with ischemic heart disease (IHD). A correlation was found between the AOS Cp-Tr activity and the pathological process severity: mild disease was associated with high AOS activity, while in severe disease course, this activity was threefold lower. This regularity was detectable both in experimental animals and in human IHD patients. It was found that hemosorption (HS) exerted a positive effect only in the presence of low AOS Cp-Tr activity which increased after HS in these cases. In high AOS activity HS caused deterioration of the patients’ condition and accumulation of lipid peroxidation products in the blood plasma; this was attended with lowering of the AOS Cp-Tr activity.