Chemiluminescent plate assay of microRNA-155 coupled with catalytic hairpin assembly with oligonucleotide release (CHAOR)статья
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Дата последнего поиска статьи во внешних источниках: 15 февраля 2024 г.
Аннотация:A heterogeneous sensitive microRNA-155 assay based on a new isothermal amplification method, called catalytichairpin assembly with oligonucleotide release (CHAOR), was developed. The principle of CHAOR was studied bynon-denaturing electrophoresis. To detect the amplification product, a polyperoxidase-streptavidin conjugate(molar ratio 1:80) and an enhanced chemiluminescence reaction were used, which made it possible to increaseassay sensitivity. The detection limit of microRNA-155 assay was 0.4 pM. The coefficient of variation of thechemiluminescent signal, formed upon the heterogeneous determination of miRNA-155, was less than 12 %within the working range. The efficiency of CHAOR as an amplification method was similar to that of traditionalCHA, as miRNA-155 assays based on CHAOR and CHA had similar analytical parameters. In addition, the proposedassay was highly specific. Contrary to traditional CHA, CHAOR, one of whose products is a single-strandedoligonucleotide, can be used in analytical methods based on cascade amplification.