New Chiral Zwitterionic Phosphorus Heterocycles: Synthesis, Structure, Properties and Application as Chiral Solvating Agentsстатья
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Дата последнего поиска статьи во внешних источниках: 20 февраля 2024 г.
Аннотация:Abstract A family of new chiral zwitterionic phosphorus-containing heterocycles (zPHC) have been derived from methylene-bridged bis(imidazolines). These structures were unambiguously determined, including single-crystal XRD analysis for two compounds. The stability, acid/base and electronic properties of these dipolar phosphorus heterocycles were subsequently investigated. zPHCs can be successfully employed as a new class of chiral solvating agents for the enantiodifferentiation of chiral carboxylic and sulfonic acids by NMR spectroscopy. The stoichiometry and binding constants for the donor–acceptor complexes formed were established by NMR titration methods.