Аннотация:http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2784/rpaper16.pdf The paper studies the mathematical model of information warfare inwhich each of belligerent parties has the option of choosing between an increasing,decreasing and flat strategies of broadcasting. The broadcasting resource ofeach of the parties is supposed to be limited. Increasing strategy refers to broadcastingweakly at the start of the campaign and increase the intensity of broadcastinggradually. Similarly, decreasing strategy means broadcasting with highintensity at the start of the campaign and decrease it gradually. Flat strategy refersto constant intensity of broadcasting. Each party faces the question of which strategyis the mast advantageous. We address this problem by making computationalexperiments with the model of information warfare. Combining three options ofthe first party with three options of the second party we obtain 9 scenarios. Foreach of them the numbers of each party's supporters at the end of the warfare iscalculated. Which strategy appears to be the best depends on parameters thatcharacterize the intensity of mouth-to-mouth spread of information and deactivationof parties' supporters.