Multimodal Metal Cation Sensing with Bis(macrocyclic) Dyeстатья
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Дата последнего поиска статьи во внешних источниках: 18 июля 2013 г.
Аннотация:The synthesis, electrochemical,
optical, and cation sensing properties
of a bis(macrocyclic) dye 1, in
which the benzo-15-crown-5 and phenylazathia-
15-crown-5 subunits are
linked through a styryl pyridinium
moiety, are reported. In this new ditopic
receptor, the benzo-15-crown-5 macrocycle
acts as a highly selective binding
site for alkaline earth metal cations
(MgII and BaII), whereas the phenylazathia-
15-crown-5 displays a strong binding
affinity towards soft heavy-metal
cations (HgII and AgI). The pronounced
changes of the absorption and
fluorescence spectra of this bichromophoric
dye observed upon different
metal cation addition make the dye
suitable for dual-wavelength analysis
and offer an enticing potential for
multitasking sensors.