Nanocrystalline Heterogeneous Multiferroics Based on Yttrium Ferrite (Core) with Calcium Zirconate (Titanate) Shellстатья
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Дата последнего поиска статьи во внешних источниках: 12 августа 2020 г.
Аннотация:Nanocrystalline YFeO3–CaZr(Ti)O3 powders were synthesized by the sequential deposition method. The structure of the YFeO3–CaZr(Ti)O3 nanocrystals fits into the core–shell spherical particle model. The nanocrystalline YFeO3–CaZr(Ti)O3 powders synthesized contain yttrium orthoferrite and calcium zirconate (titanate) single phases. Materials based on YFeO3–CaZr(Ti)O3 are magnetically soft.