Synthesis and Optical and Electrochemical Properties of Novel Random Terpolymers Based on Diketopyrrolopyrrole and Benzodithiazole/Quinoxaline Units for Polymer Solar Cellsстатья
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Дата последнего поиска статьи во внешних источниках: 7 июля 2020 г.
Аннотация:Two new binary polymers (P16, P20) and three random terpolymers (P17, P18, P19) with different ratios of the A1 (DPP) and A2 (BTTQ) acceptors in the polymer chains were developed and synthesized.Their optical and electrochemical properties were studied. The random terpolymers (P17, P18, P19) possesswider absorption spectra than the binary D–A copolymers (P16, P20). It was shown that the position ofabsorption bands and energy levels can be easily tuned by varying the molar ratios of the two different acceptorunits in the terpolymer backbone. The synthesized random terpolymers can be used as efficient donor materials for fullerene and non-fullerene polymer solar cells.