Design and synthesis new ultra low band gap thiadiazolouinoxaline based polymers for near infrared organic photovoltaic applicationстатья
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Дата последнего поиска статьи во внешних источниках: 26 сентября 2016 г.
Аннотация:Two D-A copolymers F1 and F2 with fluorene and thiazole units substituted respectively to
thiadiazoloquinoxaline (TDQ) unit to enhance the electron-accepting strength of TDQ. The
copolymers were synthesized by cross-coupling Stille reaction, and their optical and
electrochemical properties were examined revealing that they have ultra low bandgaps, and
absorption in the near infrared. These copolymers were employed as donor along with
PC71BM as electron acceptor for the fabrication of solution processed bulk heterojunction
(BHJ) polymer solar cells. After the optimization of donor to acceptor weight ratio and
solvent additive (4 % v DIO as solvent additive), the devices with F1:PC71BM and
F2:PC71BM showed power conversion efficiencies (PCEs) of 5.80 and 3.32 %, respectively.
Although F2 possesses a broader absorption profile as compared to F1, the low value of PCE
for the F2 based device has been attributed to the low LUMO offset between F2 and PC71BM
that limited the exciton dissociation. The above results indicate that these copolymers can be
utilized for ternary BHJ and tandem solar cells, to achieve the high PCE.
Key word: NIR conjugated co-polymers, bulk heterojunction, polymer solar cells, solvent