A new mineral species ferricoronadite, Pb[Mn6 4+(Fe3+, Mn3+)2]O16: mineralogical characterization, crystal chemistry and physical propertiesстатья
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Дата последнего поиска статьи во внешних источниках: 17 июня 2016 г.
Аннотация:A new mineral ferricoronadite with the simplified formula Pb(Mn6 4+Fe2 3+)O16 was discovered in the orogenetic zone related to the “Mixed Series” metamorphic complex near the Nežilovo village, Pelagonian massif, Republic of Macedonia. Associated minerals are franklinite, gahnite, hetaerolite, roméite, almeidaite, Mn-analogue of plumboferrite, zincohögbomite analogue with Fe3+ > Al, zincochromite, Zn-bearing talc, Zn-bearing muscovite, baryte, quartz and zircon. Ferricoronadite is a late hydrothermal mineral forming veinlets up to 8 mm thick in granular aggregate predominantly composed by zinc-dominant spinels. The new mineral is opaque, black, with brownish black streak. The luster is strong submetallic to metallic. The micro-indentation hardness is 819 kg/mm2. Distinct cleavage is observed on (100). Ferricoronadite is brittle, with uneven fracture. The density calculated from the empirical formula is 5.538 g/cm3. In reflected light, ferricoronadite is light gray. The reflectance values [R max/R min, % (λ, nm)] are: 28.7/27.8 (470), 27.6/26.6 (546), 27.2/26.1 (589), 26.5/25.5 (650). The IR spectrum shows the absence of H2O and OH groups. According to the Mössbauer spectrum, all iron is trivalent. The Mn K-edge XANES spectroscopy shows that Mn is predominantly tetravalent, with subordinate Mn3+. The chemical composition is (wt%; electron microprobe, Mn apportioned between MnO2 and Mn2O3 based on the charge-balance requirement): BaO 5.16, PbO 24.50, ZnO 0.33, Al2O3 0.50, Mn2O3 9.90, Fe2O3 11.45, TiO2 4.19, MnO2 44.81, total 100.84. The empirical formula based on 8 cations Mn + Fe + Ti + Al + Zn pfu is Pb1.03Ba0.32(Mn 4.85 4+ Fe 1.35 3+ Mn 1.18 3+ Ti0.49Al0.09Zn0.04)Σ8.00O16. The crystal structure was determined using single-crystal X-ray diffraction data. The new mineral is tetragonal, space group I4/m, a = 9.9043(7), c = 2.8986(9) Å, V = 284.34(9) Å3, Z = 1. In ferricoronadite, double chains of edge-sharing (Mn, Fe, Ti)-centered octahedra are connected via common vertices to form a pseudo-framework with tunnels containing large cations Pb and Ba. The strongest lines of the powder X-ray diffraction pattern [d, Å (I, %) (hkl)] are: 3.497 (33) (220), 3.128 (100) (−130, 130), 2.424 (27) (−121, 121), 2.214 (23) (240, −240), 2.178 (17) (031), 1.850 (15) (141, −141), 1.651 (16) (060), 1.554 (18) (−251, 251). Ferricoronadite is named as an analogue of coronadite Pb(Mn6 4+Mn2 3+)O16 with the major charge-compensating octahedral cation Fe3+ instead of Mn3+.