Isolation and Structural X-ray Investigation of Perfluoroalkyl Derivatives of Six Cage Isomers of C-84статья
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Дата последнего поиска статьи во внешних источниках: 18 июля 2013 г.
Аннотация:Perfluoroalkylation of a higher fullerene mixture with CF3I or C2F5I, followed by HPLC separation of CF3 and C2F5 derivatives, resulted in the isolation of several C-84(R-F)(n) (n = 12, 16) compounds. Single-crystal X-ray crystallography with the use of synchrotron radiation allowed structure elucidation of eight C-84(R-F)(n) compounds containing six different C-84 cages (the number of the C-84 isomer is given in parentheses): C-84(23)(C2F5)(12) (1), C-84(22)(CF3)(16) (II), C-84(22)(C2F5)(12) (III), C-84(11) (C2F5)(12) (IV), C-84(16) (C2F5)(12) (V), C-84(4)(CF3)(12) (VI with toluene and VII with hexane as solvate molecules), and C-84(18)(C2F5)(12) (VIII). Whereas some connectivity patterns of C-84 isomers (22, 23, 11) had previously been unambiguously confirmed by different methods, derivatives of C-84 isomers numbers 4, 16, and 18 have been investigated crystallographically for the first time, thus providing direct proof of the connectivity patterns of rare C-84 isomers. General aspects of the addition of R-F groups to C-84 cages are discussed in terms of the preferred positions in the pentagons under the formation of chains, pairs, and isolated R-F groups.