Proceeding of the Internetional Congress on "Soil Science in International Year of Soil" 19-23 October,2015. Sochi,Russia, Abstract Bookсборник
Статьи, опубликованные в сборнике
Aggregate composition and the contact angle of the soil solid phase after incubation with peat gelnt Tезисы в сборникеA bstract Book Internetional Congress on "Soil Science in International Year of Soil" 19-23 October,2015. Sochi,Russia
Evgeny Milanovskiy,
Elena Protsenko,
Zemfira Tyugai,
Galina Bykova,
Natalia Kosolapova,
Aleksandr Protsenko
в сборнике Proceeding of the Internetional Congress on "Soil Science in International Year of Soil" 19-23 October,2015. Sochi,Russia, Abstract Book, место издания Москва ООО "Буки Веди", тезисы, с. 132
Modern soil physical methods and instruments of granulometric composition, rheological characteristics and properties of the solid phase surface soils investigation
Evgeny Shein,
Milanovsky E.Yu,
Khaydapova D.D.,
Bykova G.S.,
Yudina A.A.,
Chestnova V.V.,
Fomin D.S.,
Klyueva V.V.
в сборнике Proceeding of the Internetional Congress on "Soil Science in International Year of Soil" 19-23 October,2015. Sochi,Russia, Abstract Book, место издания Москва ООО "Буки Веди", тезисы, с. 382-384